Homeopathic Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dulcamara and Nux Vomica for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dulcamara is a homeopathic treatment that should be used by those with rheumatoid arthritis who suffer from pain that worsens with cold temperatures. This treatment works especially well for those who also have a stiff neck and have a weakness that affects the arms or the legs. Those who will benefit from dulcamara often have a tearing pain that affects the legs or arms and feel relief of their symptoms with light activity or movement.

Another remedy, known as nux vomica, can help relieve pain in those with rheumatoid arthritis who have a burning-like pain that affects many of the joints in the body. This remedy is especially helpful for those who have “tearing-like” pains that are accompanied with slight muscle spasms in the area surrounding the affected joints. Those who will benefit from nux vomica often feel relief with warm applications to the affected area.

Medorrhinum and Causticum for Rheumatoid Arthritis

For those who have rheumatoid arthritis that is characterized with pain that affects the shoulders, the homeopathic treatment known as medorrhinum should be taken. This treatment is especially helpful for those who have pain that also affects the arms, which makes certain movements or activities difficult. Those who will benefit from medorrhinum often suffer from gout as well and have trembling that affects the arms.

The homeopathic treatment causticum should be used by those with rheumatoid arthritis who suffer from a “tearing” pain that affects the legs or the arms. This remedy is especially helpful for those who have a violent, pulling pain that affects the joints in the leg and worsens with heat or when lying in bed. Those who will benefit from causticum often feel relief when soaking in water or massaging the area with oil or lotion (vising http://optinghealth.com/ for more on this topic).

Homeopathic treatments can be very helpful in relieving the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, as well as helping to improve the condition. However, homeopathic treatments should not be used to replace any type of conventional treatment that is suggested or prescribed by a doctor.